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Use double quotes – e.g. "under 10" searches for the exact match "under 10" as opposed to content containing "under" and "10"

Wild cards:

Use an asterisk – e.g. pass* – searches for pass, passed, passing etc.


Combine the search features to narrow your search – e.g. "under 10" basic drills kick*

Clean Sport

Rugby is fun, but it’s more fun when it’s fair.

That’s why anti-doping rules apply at all levels of sport, and to all roles from players to coaches and beyond.

The Rules keep sport fair for everyone in sport. They protect the health of those who play and make sure we all meet on a level playing field.


Learn more at drugfreesport.org.nz/funwhenitsfair.

Want to build your knowledge in anti-doping?

If you’re an athlete support personnel looking to develop your anti-doping knowledge and capabilities, check out our support personnel e-learning course.