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Objective: Ripping tags off opposition.

Equipment: Rippa Tags and belts

group size: Any number.

Area: Line.

Drill set-up: Players are partnered up with one being the rat and one being the rabbit.

Drill explanation:

  1. Players face each other with feet touching and hands on head.

  2. On the call of “rats” or “rabbits” whoever is called runs 10m away from opposition. Opposite tries to rip tag off the opposition, holding above head, yell out “Rip” and then hand back.

  3. Count to see how many time you escape without being ‘ripped’.


• Concentrate on getting players to listen.
• Focus on quick reaction times and speed off the mark.

Variations / progression:

  1. Play Rats and Rabbits 2

  2. Same game except this time there is a ball to pick up and score with.

  3. Play Rats and Rabbits 3 and 4

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