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To engage opposition. To maintain possession. To give team mates time and opportunity to support.


  1. Focus on contact zone of opponent.
  2. Chin off chest, eyes open.
  3. Ball in two hands.
  4. Low body position.
  5. Body before ball.
  6. Small steps on approach.
  7. Wide “power” step into contact.
  8. Plant front foot close to defenders' feet.
  9. Contact side on with hard part e.g. shoulder, hips.
  10. Maintain low stable base, chin off chest, eyes open.
  11. Transfer ball at appropriate time.


  1. Too upright at contact.
  2. Narrow base of support at contact causing instability.
  3. Front foot planted too far from the defender.
  4. Too frontal at contact.
  5. Shoulders below hips.

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