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OBJECTIVE: No back-lift with off-ground pass.

EQUIPMENT: Five balls, ideally a fence or a wall but adequate substitutes are two tables or five cones.

GROUP SIZE: Two players.

AREA: 10 x 10 metre grid.

DRILL SET-UP: One halfback and one first five-eighth in a normal position.


  1. Place the balls against the fence/wall/table/cones so there can be no back-lift by the halfback before passing the ball.
  2. The halfback goes to the first ball and, in one movement, passes the ball to the first five-eighth.
  3. The halfback moves to the next ball, repeating the action.
  4. The halfback should practise the skill with the first five-eighth, both standing and moving onto the ball.
  5. The drill continues.


• When passing left, the left foot should point in the direction of the pass.
• Arms should follow through in the direction of the pass.
• First five-eighth should vary width, depth and communicate clearly.


  1. Passing with one hand only.
  2. Use medicine balls.
  3. If there is no wall or fence available, this drill can be practised on an open field.
  4. Not always halfback.


Related Off ground pass Drills